Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Jumpin' Jack Flash

Right, to all my fans here in the blogsphere - real, imaginary, and out for lunch - cancel that MIA tag, I've just been feeling terrifically lazy (for a year and a half? wtf???) about blogging, primarily because of the lack of a pc in my room.

- Say hello to Deep Thought -

So, while this isn't exactly the best time to kick this e-can alive, I hereby promise to atleast not forget that I even have a blog (yes, I admit it, I did. But only for a few months. At a time. Please don't hit me.) and finally get around to the task of giving this thing some direction. Never fear, everybody's favourite aimless ramblings will still be a staple feature, but I'm also going to try to steer this boat towards something - anything - that'll serve remotely useful, now that I have another outlet for my same-sex-confinement-induced frustrations (thank you, mechanical engineering department!). I am, ofcourse, referring to Ghost Recon, Sins of a Solar Empire, Silent Hunter 3, Half-Life 2, and Call Of Duty 5 - If I can get the last one to work, that is. Yes, thats right, I have once again fallen into the juicy, delicious trap of expending all my testosterone-fuelled *ness (substitute whatever you want) into addictive, enthralling, and time-consuming video-games, instead of going out and getting a girlfriend. If anybody out there has any hints/clues/ideas/suggestions, please feel free - nay, invited - to drop me a line, I sure would regret graduating without atleast one, torrid, steamy, M&B-shocking....well, you get the picture.

Exams in TWO WEEKS TIME! We're dooooooooooomed!

Thats all for now, and do drop by in a month's time. Sorry I can't promise any posts before then, though I will try.

Quai-Gon-Jin-Not, Out.


Kriti said...

Deep thought? Um, where? :P

//and do drop by in a month's time//
So I'll remind you about your blog again in a year, yes?

Aditya said...

hey u following the wrong blog.. i have already moved on to http://onelineoneday.blogspot.com/

Adhiraj said...

@WI - A year will be just fine, thanks! ;-D

@Adi - Corrected.