Wide-Eyed, Red-Haired Anime Babes aside, its time I stopped being a closet-geek, and publicly embraced my Inner Penguin (Quack!). So, where do we stand? Ah yes, I'm typing this on Deep-Thought (Who, besides being the All-Powerful Fourteen-Dimensional GodZillion-Byte-Crunching Mechanical Marvel of the Ring-World Zorg, also happens to occasionally double up as my sleek black Compaq V3749AU lap-warmer. AMD Turion X2 procy, nVidia MoBo, 7150m Graphics, bla-bla-blah, details
here) Apart from the OEM installation of Windoze Vista, which I use solely for gaming, DT's played host to Fedora 8 (Werewolf), Mandriva Spring 2008 (With KDE Goodness!), and as of now, Ubuntu 8.10. I fancied the 2.1 Ultimate Edition for a bit, but Ibex's load times (and hardware detection! beer!) wowed me right away, and its been 8.10 since Feb '09.
And since a picture speaks a thousand words, here's the rest of my essay:

More on what keeps DT beautiful as I keep learning! :)
The Man
Oh, and it turns out Penguins DONT quack!
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